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The picture of Dorian Gray - The Young man in love

‘Love is a more wonderful thing than art.’
One afternoon, a month later, Dorian Gray visited Lord Henry. Dorian was excited and his eyes were shining.
‘Harry,’ he began, ‘I’m discovering life. I’m doing everything that you told me to do, I’m in love!’ ‘Who are you in love with?’ asked Lord Henry, calmly. ‘With an actress.’ ‘Oh, everybody’s in love with an actress at some time in their lives,’ said Lord Henry. ‘No, Harry, this is different. She’s wonderful! Her name’s Sybil Vane, and one day she’ll be a very famous actress. She really is extraordinary ‘My dear boy,’ said Lord Henry in his lazy voice, ‘no woman is extraordinarily clever. Women have nothing to say, but they say it beautifully. There are only five women in London who can give you real conversation. But tell me about your wonderful actress. How long have you known her? ‘Harry! I’ll tell you about her, but you must promise not to laugh.’
Lord Henry listened and smiled. Dorian had discovered an old, dirty theatre in a poor street of London. He had gone in to look for adventure, but had found love, he told Lord Henry. The play had been Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. ‘Romeo was a fat old man with a terrible voice, but Juliet! Oh, Harry, she was about seventeen, with dark brown hair and a face like a flower. She was the loveliest girl that I’d ever seen in my life, and her voice was like music. I love her, Harry. She’s everything to me. Every night I go to see her in different plays and she’s always wonderful.’

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