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“It’s finished,” he said, “and I’m brilliant. Brilliant and clever. And he is beautiful!” Doctor Frankenstein looked at his work. On the table was a man. He was very big, over two and a half metres tall and he wasn’t beautiful at all. In fact he was extremely ugly. “My friends made fun of me when I said I could invent a man,” said Frankenstein, “but I was right! I was right!” The man’s body was big and his legs were fat. His arms were too long, they touched his knees. His feet were enormous and both left. The head was huge with a small mouth and short black hair. His face was yellow. His skin was like leather and his ears, one big and one small, were purple. His eyes were closed. “What a lot of work,” thought Frankenstein. “A year’s work, but I’m satisfied. A year of experiments and sleepless nights. But now, I’m ready for the final test!

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