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Carl stood up and the young man searched his pockets, but the found nothing. He told Carl to sit down, then he opened Harald’s passport and looked inside. ‘Police pig!’ he said. ‘Now you are our prisoner!’ Then he hit Harald in the face, looked at Carl, and laughed. ‘And perhaps we will set him free!’
Harald said nothing. The hijackers was about the same age as him, but not so big. The young hijacker laughed again and moved on to the next seat.
‘Thank you Harald,’ Carl whispered, when the man was at the front of the plane. ‘That was very brave. But I won’t let you die for me, you know.’
‘Be quiet, sir! Something’s happening!’ Harald whispered back. Carl looked up. Another hijacker was standing in the door of the Captain’s cabin. He was talking to the other two. He was a big strong man, with a black beard. He looked angry and waved his arms. Carl listened carefully. He could hear one or two words, but not many.
‘… nothing! Nothing at all! … stupid woman! … she needs time, she says …’

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