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Miss Bracegirdle's night of fear

If they found her here, people were going to think that she killed him! A picture came into her head: the police taking her off to the police station, asking her questions, shutting her away… And her sister arriving in just a few hours’ time too! She must get out of the room immediately. ‘I cannot call for help now,’ she thought, fighting back her fear. ‘Do something, Millicent. It is now or never!’
But what? She went round the room, looking for something to open the door with. She could find nothing. Finally, she picked up the man’s jacket. Inside it she found a small knife. She took the knife and put it in the side of the door. Very slowly she turned the knife and the door opened.
She wanted to run out of the room immediately but she stopped first and listened. Nobody was there. Feeling very afraid, Miss Bracegirdle shut the door quickly behind her and run as fast as she could to her bedroom. She lay down on the bed and the fear slowly began to leave her. All was well! But then she had another unhappy thought.

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