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The Sea Wolf

“Help, Help,” shouted the man in the sea. He was very, very frightened! The water was freezing and there was a lot of fog. A fishing boat hit the ferry he was on in San Francisco Bay. The ferryboat sank very quickly. At first there were a lot of people in the water screaming for help. Now he was alone. He couldn’t see or hear anybody! “Am I the only survivor?” he thought. He saw a schooner pass very close to him. He was too cold to shout for help. Then a man on the deck noticed him. “Man over board!” he shouted and the schooner stopped. The man in the water was soon on the boat drinking hot coffee.
“What’s your name?” asked the captain. “Humphrey van Weydon”, the rescued man answered. “Thank you for saving me. “When will we arrive in San Francisco?” “We are not going to San Francisco”, answered Wolf Larsen, the captain. “We are going towards Japan to catch seals!”

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