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Alice's adventures in wonderland

Who stole the tarts?

The King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their thrones when Alice and the Gryphon arrived. There was a great crowd of birds and animals, and all the pack of cards.
Soldiers stood all around the Knave of Hearts, and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand.
In the middle of the room there was a table, with a large plate of tarts on it. ‘They look good,’ thought Alice, who was feeling a little hungry.
Then the White Rabbit called out loudly, ‘Silence! The trial of the Knave of hearts will now begin!’ He took out a long piece of paper, and read:
The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts,
all on a summer day.
The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts,
and took them all away.
‘Very good,’ said the King. ‘Call the first witness.’
Alice looked at the jury. Some of the jurymen were animals, and the others were birds.
Then the White Rabbit blew his trumpet three times, and called out, ‘First witness!’

To be continued ...
